The 6th World Landslide Forum (WLF6) is entitled "Landslide Sciencefor Sustainable Development" and isa contribution to the Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020(KLC2020), undertheSendaiFramework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030for global promotion of understanding and reducinglandslide disasterrisk.
The Forum aims to provide a common platform to achieve cooperationamong landslide researchers, stakeholders and policy makers to defineshared priority actions for landslide risk reduction on a globalscale.
The Forum will deal with the main aspects related to landslideanalysis: landslide monitoring and early warning, landslidemodeling, landslide hazard and risk assessment, mitigationtechniques, landslide triggering mechanism and climate change.
A wide international audience with an interest in landslide disasterrisk reduction is expected to attend the Forum: research andacademic institutions, UN organizations, EU institutions and agencies,national governments and local authorities, non-governmentalorganizations with interest and activities in disaster risk reduction,international and national civil protection and disaster reliefagencies and institutions, and private sectors involved in research,development, and practical applications of technologies and solutionsin the field of landslide risk reduction.